Department of BioMolecular Sciences
The University of Mississippi

BSA Officer Directory

Erik Hodges

President – Erik Hodges

Research Assistant – Pharmacology

Presides over BSA meetings, coordinates subcommittee chairs, serves as the interface between graduate students and faculty by reporting collective student opinions.





Secretary – Cody Cissom

Research Assistant – Pharmacology

Records BSA meeting notes and report at Committee meetings, assists the President and Subcommittee Chairs with disseminating BSA information to department administrators and students.


Treasurer – Barbara Adaikpoh

Research Assistant – Pharmacognosy

Documents all financial matters of BSA and the subcommittees, orders and coordinates food service at student events, journal clubs, skills workshops, etc..




Journal Club Chair – Ann Fairly Barnett

Research Assistant – Environmental Toxicology

Manages all affairs of the journal club including: scheduling, reserving rooms, selecting papers to review, and recruiting one faculty moderator for each journal club session. Enlists the help of 2-3 BSA volunteers. Works with the treasurer to ensure proper food ordering/service.



Sudeshna Roy

Skills Workshop Chair  – Sweta Adhikari

Research Assistant – Medicinal Chemistry

Manages all affairs of the Skills Workshops including: polling students for appropriate workshop topics, ensuring minimal overlap with the Graduate Student Survival curriculum, contacting and coordinating intramural and extramural speakers, scheduling, reserving room. Enlists the help of 2-3 BSA volunteers. Works with the treasurer to ensure proper food ordering/service.


Sudeshna Roy

Student Events Chair – Mohammad Hawwal 

Research Assistant – Pharmacognosy

Coordinates student events such as outings and field-trips. Oversees transportation if necessary. Provides a list of current events in and around the Oxford area such as concerts, festivals, etc.. Enlists the help of 2-3 BSA volunteers. Works with the treasurer if necessary.