Department of Pharmacy Administration
The University of Mississippi

Dr. Yi Yang‎‎ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎

Posted on: August 27th, 2014 by
Department Chair and Professor of Pharmacy Administration and Research Professor in RIPS
Faser Hall 225


  • Ph.D. University of Tennessee Health Science Center
  • Ph.D. Peking Union Medical College, China
  • M.D. China Medical University, China


  • Department Chair of Pharmacy Administration
  • Professor of Pharmacy Administration
  • Research Professor in the Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences


Dr. Yang’s expertise is centered on health economics and outcomes research. Specifically, Dr. Yang’s research interests include comparative analysis of the risks and benefits of treatment alternatives, medication utilization and health outcomes, medication adherence, health resource utilization and cost analysis, and health care quality indicators. Dr. Yang has conducted research using Medicare and Medicaid administrative claims data, Jackson Heart Study data, MEPS, and other secondary datasets.

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