Department of Pharmacy Administration
The University of Mississippi

Omkar Ghodke

Posted on: April 20th, 2023 by jmblakle
Graduate Student


B.Pharm – University of Mumbai, 2020

Research Interests:

Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR)

Patient Centered Outcomes Research (PCOR)

Medication Adherence and Health Disparities


After completing his undergraduate degree at the University of Mumbai, India, Omkar gained valuable experience working in the marketing department of a pharmaceutical company. He then went on to establish his own successful venture focused on manufacturing spare parts for pharmaceutical machines. Omkar’s passion for the field has led him to pursue a Master of Science degree with an emphasis in Health Economics and Outcomes Research. Through this program, he is gaining the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in his desired career path of working in a pharmaceutical company focusing on market access and outcomes research. In the long term, Omkar aims to expand his expertise by offering consultation services in outcomes research for his own venture. 

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