Department of Pharmacy Administration
The University of Mississippi

Shishir Maharjan

Posted on: June 30th, 2020 by pmsmith
Graduate Student


M.S. Pharmaceutical Sciences – University of Mississippi, 2022

Bachelor of Pharmacy – Tribhuvan University, 2018

Research Interests:

Health Economics and Outcomes Research

Opioid Use

Substance Use Disorders

Maternal Health

Older Adults

Quality Measure


Shishir Maharjan is a graduate student at the Department of Pharmacy Administration, University of Mississippi. He completed his Masters with a thesis entitled, “Opioid Tapering and Mental Health Crisis in Older Adults.” Currently, he is working as a data analyst at the Center for Pharmaceutical Marketing and Management and also working as a Research Assistant on a grant related to the safety and effectiveness of opioid tapering among older adults. In addition, he also has two years of working experience as a Market Researcher Officer in a pharmaceutical company back in his country, Nepal. He envisages himself as a health economics and outcomes researcher working in a pharmaceutical company or consulting firm. 

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