Department of BioMolecular Sciences
The University of Mississippi

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Environmental Toxicology

Environmental Toxicology includes research and educational activities that seek to identify and resolve problems related to environmental and human health issues. This work includes basic and applied research approaches to empower individuals, resource managers, regulators, and communities with the knowledge to improve human and environmental health.

Our faculty study a wide range of natural and anthropogenic stressors and their associated adverse health effects on communities and ecosystems. Research in our division addresses issues related to drinking water, air quality, pesticides, chemical spills, marine and freshwater ecosystems, and developmental and multigenerational toxicity of contaminants. Hypotheses explore a continuum of questions related to chemical fate, molecular initiating events, and physiological consequences up to population level impacts.

Our goal is to contribute high quality educational opportunities and related research results that will lead to evidence-based decisions for complex environmental problems. We are committed to training the next generation of environmental toxicologists that will support the implementation of cost-effective environmental health services and ecologically meaningful environmental stewardship.


Environmental Toxicology Research Program Website

Environmental Toxicology M.S. Requirements

Environmental Toxicology Ph.D. Requirements

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Graduate Program Coordinator Application Deadlines
Dr. Kristine Willett
Fall: February 1
Spring: October 1